About me

 As long as I can remember I have had a neck with music. During my teenage years I started to play guitar and was even brave enough to craft my own little songs and tunes. Unfortunately, I haven't landed a #1 hit yet, so had to come up with other ideas to make a living.

In my early twenties I was kind of fascinated about the DIY movement. Along with my passion for music and guitars in particular, it was back then when I first thought about building guitars on my own.

I started off with some traditional cigar box based guitar designs. Yes, just like the ones Bo Diddley used to build and play.

I was self-taught but made good progress and gained enough confidence in what I did to apply for the course of "Musical Instrument Technology" at the University of Applied Science, Zwickau. So, I moved over to Markneukirchen, which by the way has a long history of musical instrument making, to become a student in 2013.

During my studies I got in touch with all major aspects of guitar making. I learned about the musical acoustics and guitar history. First and foremost, however, I learned about the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of guitar making.

I built all kind of guitars: classical, steel string, archtop, electric and resonator guitars. The freedom to experiment in an inspiring environment, among people with equal interest made me learn a lot about the art of guitar making and helped me to become a qualified craftsmen.

In 2016 I started my own business and doors flung open for my own repair and instrument shop in Mudau.

In 2017 I finished my studies with receiving the title Bachelor of Arts in Musical Instrument Making.



My Workshop

My workshop is located between Würzburg and Heidelberg in a former grocery store, ran by my family for more than 70 years. 

The store had to be closed in the early nineties. 

In 2016 it opened its doors again as a workshop for building and repairing stringed instruments. 

Feel free to come around if you have any inquiry or are just curious. 

Just get in touch with me and we can figure out an appointment.



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